Restricting the user to create duplicate email(Contact) for a particular account

Apex class
public class DuplicationOnContact {
    public static void doDuplicateCheck(List<Contact> conlist){
         Map<String,String> mapcon=new Map<String,String>();
        set<String> setacc=new set<String>();
        for(Contact con:conlist){
    for(Contact con:[select Id,Name,Email,AccountId from Contact where AccountId=:setacc]){
    for(Contact con:conlist){
        if(!mapcon.isEmpty() &&  mapcon.containskey(con.Email)){
            con.addError('Please enter unique Email');


Trigger ContactTrigger on Contact(before insert,before update){


//It will be fired when the user creates a contact with email(which already present in the database) for a particular account


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  2. why trigger. we can achieve this by duplicate rules right ! just configuration.

    1. Hi Satish, it was requested by one of the Salesforce developers so I added in my blog.


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